Senin, 05 September 2011

Uncensored History of the U.S. & Military Base Top Secret Involving UFOs Are Revealed in the Book Written By Annie Jacobsen

Without a doubt the book “Area 51: An Uncensored History of America’s Top Secret Military Base,” by Annie Jacobsen is interesting to read. It explores various histories on the birth of nuclear weapons as well as spy planes which almost entirely took place at a military base in which its existence brought a lot of controversies and arguments; Area 51 in Nevada.

The author provides comprehensive information on history on the most powerful men before, during, and after the Cold War and shares her insights on their motives. She ends her discussion on the present day by giving explanation regarding instances where unmanned drones saved the lives of several U.S. military personnel in the Middle East and eventually brought them back to their home country safe.

The book highlights the claimed truth about what had happened in Roswell, New Mexico by the only living witness who was one of the five engineers who witnessed what thing fell from the sky in 1947. The incident sparked one of the nation’s popular myths that the government is hiding aliens and spaceships in cold storage somewhere.

Some people have been wondering and even searching for UFOs and evidences that Earth have been visited by aliens. What was happened in Roswell, where an object that crashed in the area was recovered, is not different in UFOs and alien controversies.
The book tackles some interesting information and facts on the Manhattan Project, scientific experiments, and almost impossible government mismanagement on major situations to cover up something unusual to the public such as circumstances involving UFOs and extraterrestrial beings.

The author apparently did a good job in her extensive research about what she discusses in her book. Every page makes you excited of turning to another page. Readers of this book could learn something that will not be learned in school any time soon.

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